Friday, 23 April 2010

leaving on a jet crane

What with the volcano (conveniently named kevin for those of us who fail at icelandic pronunciation), who knows when I'll be coming back again.  In order to keep up my weekly art goal, I'll be making paper cranes out of whatever scrap papers come to hand during our whirlwind tour of family and friends back in the states.  It's a great way to keep my fidgety hands occupied during long, and boring, stints of siting upright in the one cubic meter of space that we're allotted as we travel coach in these modern times.  There's a great challenge in trying to make them as small as possible.  My goal is to beat my current tiniest folded paper crane, which is pretty f*%^ing small.  If I can manage that, I'll definitely have won this vacation.  Stay tuned for photos of the cranes I fold in the coming week.

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