Tuesday, 20 April 2010

I just had a dream last night about this website that the better half showed me yesterday.  When I first saw it, I thought that it might be nice to see all the data that a website poll like that could produce.  My subconscious took it one step further, and last night I made a stirring argument about how this must be somebody's sociology dissertation.  I must have tapped the big word part of my brain (the broca obnoxious), because I was using words like 'cogent' as I related it to another experiment going on in my dream.  This experiment was about drawing in some way, and the adult participants were told to use the babies stacked up like cordwood on a nearby pallet.  Surprisingly, nobody thought to complain about the misuse of infants.  I guess as long as they weren't loaded up by men with pitchforks there's no reason to worry.  Last but not least, Ralph from the muppets was living in a recycle bin with a corrugated metal roof out behind some school yard.  He had one slice of wonderbread for his thanksgiving feast.

And that's all the craziness that was inside my head last night.

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