Tuesday, 4 May 2010

jumping on the band wagon a bit late...

I got house of leaves while I was over in the states, which is apparently some kind of cult hit from way back that is just beginning to break into the mainstream (or did break into the main stream awhile ago but is just getting on my radar).  It has all the things that I love in my media: quirky-ness a hazy line between the created history of the work and the cult beginnings of the actually book as well as having the advantage of being described as 'ergodic literature ' (whose definition is fairly impossible to break down into nice english but may be summarized as having a large amount of hypertext).  As I look back on my blogs, this last description clinches my love of this book; any blurring between inter-text and printed media sends my into some sort of reader's dance of joy.  The only draw back is that it apparently drives it's readers so crazy trying to figure out the meaning within it (one of the layered sub-plots, it's about a guy who reads a manuscript) that they end up having to kill people in order to stave off insanity... that might just be a self defeating action right there.  Anyhow more to follow on whether or not it sends me over the bottom, so to speak!

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