Thursday 2 September 2010

unfortunate if true

So last night we joked that the only way the sox could come back to win the game was if we went to bed and stopped watching.  Last night it worked out great for us, because well, we were exhausted.  It seems like almost immediately after we shut off the television, the red sox did indeed manage to come back in a big way.
My point is this:  how much would it suck to have a true superstition that your favorite sports team only wins games when you don't watch them?  Of course we're leaving out the whole irrationality of it, but if it was somehow magically true, I think it would be a curse the likes of which deserve it's own Twilight Zone episode.  Just imagine, if you will, not being able to do something you really enjoy for the fear of ruining it for everyone (including yourself) that could enjoy that activity.  At that point you might be considered a fanatic, but no longer are you really a fan.
I'd much rather be left blind in the library at the end of the world.

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